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Saturday 27 February 2010

The Devil's Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Bar Cynster - 01 - Devil's Bride
By Stephenie Laurens
The story follows the son of Sebastian and Helena Sylvester Cynster known as "That Devil Cynster" or simply the devil and Honoria Prudence Anstruther Weatherby.

When Devil, the most infamous member of the Cynster family, is caught in a compromising position with plucky governess Honoria Wetherby, he astonishes the entire ton by offering his hand in marriage.

But Honoria wasn't about to bend to society's demands and marry a man just because they'd been found together unchaperoned. No. She craved adventure. She was set on seeing the world.

Solving the murder of a young Cynster cousin Tolly fit the bill for a while, but once the crime was solved, Honoria was set on seeing the world. But the scalding heat of her unsated desire for Devil soon had Honoria craving a very different sort of excitement. Could her passion for Devil cause her to embrace the enchanting peril of a lifelong adventure of the heart?

Review -
A gripping read right from the start. The element of mystery and romance has been nicely intertwined and carried thorugh till the end. Well-paced and intriguing from start to is a definite improvement over the first part. The hero again is an alpha male but his emotions as well as those of the heroine have been well potrayed.

I would rate it a 8/10...(debatable and open to comment) :-)

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